Get your Merlin Lazer Gauge Now! 

During the winter months when outdoor temperatures are much lower, ensure you check the cavity of your sealed units are equalised.

The Merlin Lazer Gauge allows you to measure glass in situ. It’s easy, fast, accurate and requires no glass removal making this the perfect tool for checking the cavity and glass combination of your insulated glass (IG) units, even after they have been installed in the window - you won’t even need to access the building as readings can be taken from the external window pane.


Simply place the tool onto the glass and the laser works to give a precise measurement for each piece of glass and air-cavity. Readings are shown on a calibrated scale. The laser will also measure and identify laminated glass in situ.


Order Now to get yours for only £220!
(Offer only available for orders placed by 5pm on Friday 24 Jan 2020) 


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 Detecting Issues before they become a Problem

The properties of an IG sealed unit cavity change, which is dependent on: the temperature and barometric pressure when the cavity is sealed; the actual air temperature and barometric pressure; the temperature of the air or gas within the cavity and the thickness of the glass. This can cause the unit to take up a concave or convex shape which, when it displays a significant visual change in the glass, is referred to as deflection.


The accuracy of the Merlin Lazer Gauge makes it effective in determining deflection in sealed units which can cause it to fail. Significant deflection resulting in a concave shape can also cause major issues in units with Integrated Blinds or internal Georgian Bars where the internal components can resultantly touch the internal surface of the glass.



Technical Expertise

Our Technical Centre and EN1279 test laboratory are operated by qualified Chemists using the latest technology to study the performance of IG components. They also conduct tests to ensure the longevity of our products and that they remain effective throughout the lifetime of IG units.

Our quality control team also carry out ongoing trials and batch tests to maintain the consistent high quality of raw materials, our own-manufactured products as well as brought-in goods.

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Growing demand for warm edge spacer  

Revisions to Document L as outlined in the current UK consultation document, suggests the requirement for triple glazing in new buildings in the near future. Should this go ahead, it will mean a significant increase in the demand for premium warm edge products such as ours.


Our energy efficient product portfolio now includes 338 products in the Thermobar Warm Edge Spacer range and a growing number of products in our Thermoflex Warm Edge range. We have already purchased a new 2-acre warm edge production site to automate our production further and maximise our production output to meet the growing demand.


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Birmingham Head Office

Gavin Way, Nexus Point, Off Holford Drive 

Birmingham B6 7AF

Tel: +44 (0) 121 331 3950

Fax: +44 (0) 121 331 3999

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